dominican novenas

O Glorious St. Louis Bertrand, perfect disciple of our crucified Redeemer, vouchsafe to cast upon me a look of pity and of love. I have recourse to thee with confidence. Throughout thy whole life, thou didst ever labor most zealously to secure the salvation of thy neighbor, seeking by all means in thy power to win hearts to God. Oh, pray for me thy devoted client, that together with the pardon of my sins, I may become like thee, an apostle of charity, that I may compassionate the miseries of my fellow-creatures, wipe away the tears from their eyes, and assist them as far as I can in all their spiritual and corporal necessities. Beg for me, O great saint, from the adorable Heart of Jesus, a constant increase of divine love. Be thou my protector during life; obtain for me a death calm and peaceful, under the protection of Mary, the Virgin Mother of Good Counsel, the Immaculate Mother of God. Amen.
Taken from “The Dominican Manual: A Selection of Prayers and Devotions” Dublin: Browne and Nolan. 1913.