communion rules

Communion Rules

Non-Catholics are not permitted to receive.

You must be fasting:

1)  Priest and the faithful before Holy Masses or Holy Communion, respectively- whether it is in the morning, afternoon, evening or at Midnight Mass- must abstain for three hours from solid foods and alcoholic beverages. Non-alcoholic beverages may be taken up to one hour before Mass or Holy Communion. Water does not break the fast.

2) The infirm, even if not bedridden, may take non-alcoholic beverages and that which is really and properly medicine, either in liquid or solid form, before Mass or Holy Communion without time limit.

His Holiness, Pope Pius XII, earnestly exhorts priests and faithful who are able to do so to observe the old and venerable form of the Eucharistic Fast (from foods and liquids from midnight) before Holy Communion. All those who will make use of these concessions must compensate for the good received by becoming shining examples of a Christian life and principally with works of penance and charity. (Motu Proprio of Pope Pius XII of March 19, 1957)

  1. You must be in a state of sanctifying grace (confessed and been absolved from any mortal sins)
  2. You must be modestly dressed
  3. No Communion in the hand
  4. At the traditional Mass, the communicant does not say “Amen.”