St. Dominic's Benefactors Society
Entrust your prayer intentions with us...
The Order of Preachers (Dominicans) is dedicated to an apostolic life centered around the Sacraments and prayer. Our Chapter offers our prayers for the salvation of sinners, the sanctification of priests and the poor souls in purgatory. Placing our trust in the Sacraments and the promise of Our Lady, “the Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.“ (Given to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan)
As all good members of the Dominican family, we use the Sacraments, daily sacrifices and the Rosary as our spiritual weapons for the salvation of all sinners and as a powerful weapon against all of Satan’s temptations. These means can obtain for souls the abundant Mercy of God that is needed for holiness and salvation. Through St. Dominic’s Benefactors Society Enrollment, our community has extended the gift of prayer and sacrifice to those in need, living or deceased.

Would you like someone to pray for you?
Is your family in need of extra prayers?
Do you know someone whose conversion is needed?
Have you lost a loved one and would like them remembered in prayer and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass?
Spiritual Benefits
- A monthly Mass will be offered for those enrolled, living and deceased, in St. Dominic’s Benefactors Society.
- A weekly 15 decade Rosary is offered specifically for those enrolled.
- Daily prayers and spiritual works offered for our benefactors by the Third Order of St. Dominic.
How to Enroll
Would you like to be enrolled for life in St. Dominic’s Benefactors Society?
How to Enroll for the Perpetual Mass And Rosary: