dominican saints
Anniversary of deceased PARENTS
Feast Day February 4th

Our charity is imperfect, as Saint Thomas tells us, if it does not comprise the dead as well as the living. But, who among the dead have a greater claim on our prayers than our parents, whom we are commanded to honor and love? This anniversary bids us remember the souls of our departed relatives and beg of God that me one day rejoice with them in eternal happiness.
Dominican Practice of today is to read the Nine Lessons of the Office of the Dead in honor of Parents and often make a memento of deceased relatives.
Gratitude is the keynote of today’s anniversary, the Anniversary of the deceased fathers and mothers of the brothers and sisters of our Order. Ever since the foundation of the Order by St. Dominic eight centuries ago, thousands of the faithful souls have made sacrifices that the Order of Preachers might carry out the apostolic work of the salvation of souls, and the Order will never forget its debt of gratitude to these loyal hearts.
No wonder that kings and princes vied with one another in assisting the growth of the Dominicans apostolate! No wonder that those who were not blessed with temporal goods gave their time and labor that the work of salvation might be carried on! These benefactors of the Order, rich or poor, knew that, when they had passed from this life, the spiritual rewards would more than compensate them for the sacrifices they made that the work of Dominic might flourish.
The Office of the Dead is also prayed should be prayed on this particular day. Should the anniversary fall on Sunday, the Office may be postponed till Monday. (The New Dominican Tertiaries’ Manual, 1935.)
In his treatise In symbolum apostolorum, St. Thomas Aquinas reminds us of our duty in charity to work toward the release of these poor souls in Purgatory: “Christ went down into hell to set free those that were his own. We, too, therefore, should go down there to help our own. For those who are in purgatory are themselves unable to do anything, and therefore we ought to help them. Truly he would be a harsh man indeed who failed to come to the aid of a kinsman who lay in prison, here on earth. How much more harsh, then, the man who will not aid the friend who is in purgatory, for there is no comparison between the pains there and the pains of this world. Have pity on me, have pity on me, at least you my friends, because the hand of the Lord hath touched me (Job xix, 21).”
First Prayer on the Anniversaries
O Lord God of mercies, grant to the souls of Thy servants and handmaids,
the anniversary of whose decease we commemorate, a seat of refreshment,
the blessedness of rest and the brightness of light. Through Christ our
Lord. R. Amen.
Second Prayer on the Anniversaries
O God, the Giver of pardon and the Author of man’s salvation, we beseech Thy clemency, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and of all Thy saints, to admit the brethren and sisters, the friends and benefactors of our congregation,to the fellowship of eternal bliss. R. Amen.
Third Prayer on the Anniversaries
O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, give unto the souls of Thy servants and handmaids the remission of all sins, that through pious supplication they may obtain the pardon they have always desired. Who livest and reignest with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen,
Prayer for Benefactors from the Dominican Breviary
For Thy Holy Name’s sake, O Lord, deign to grant eternal life to all who do us good.