dominican saints
Bl. Alphonsus Navarette &
Companions, M.M.O.P.
Feast Day June 1st

Born: Various dates in the sixteenth century
Died: died the most terrible torments in Japan in 1617
Beatified: Pius IX beatified them in 1867
Dominicans were the first missionaries to Japan, and 1530 is given as the date of their martyrdom. However, no conclusive proof exists regarding their names or number, and Saint Francis Xavier rightly holds the title of apostle to this island kingdom.
Following in Xavier’s footsteps came other missionaries, and, for about 40 years, they worked with great results among the people. Then, in the closing years of the century, persecution flared, and the blood of martyrs cried out with a louder voice than that of the preachers.
Ferdinand took the Augustinian habit in Mentilla, and in 1603, was sent to Mexico, and thence to Japan in 1605 as vicar provincial. He worked at Osaka with great success until his capture and execution en route to Omura.
The first Dominican to die in the great persecution was Alphonsus Navarrete. When Alphonsus was very young, he gave up his inheritance to enter the Dominican Order in Valladolid and, after he had completed his studies, was sent to the Philippine missions. The great persecution had just begun in Japan. The year before Alphonsus left Spain, a group of 26 Christians, including many Franciscans and three Japanese Jesuits, were crucified in Nagasaki.
Despite the dangers, the Dominicans, who had been excluded from Japan for several years, yearned to go into the perilous mission field. Alphonsus in particular, after a trip to Europe to recruit missionaries in 1610, begged to be allowed to go to Japan. In the following year his offer was accepted and he was sent as superior of the missionary band. During the short interval of peace, they began their work, and, during six years of growing danger, they instructed the people and prepared them for the dreadful days to come.
The missionary career of Alphonsus was brief, and it was always overshadowed by the threat of death that beset the Christians in that unhappy country. However, in the few years of his apostolate, his accomplishment was immeasurable. Like his Divine Master, he went about teaching and baptizing the people. He is called the “Vincent de Paul of Japan,” because it was he who first began the tremendous task of caring for the abandoned babies there. He anticipated the work of the Holy Childhood Society by gathering up the homeless waifs and providing for their support from money he begged of wealthy Spaniards.
The warning bell of the great persecution was sounded with the martyrdom in Omura of two priests, a Franciscan and a Jesuit. Alphonus Navarrete and his Augustinian companion Ferdinand went to Omura with the intention of rescuing the relics of the martyrs and consoling the Christians. They were captured on the way, and with a young native catechist, were beheaded. Their bodies were thrown into the sea.
Five years later, on the hill of the holy martyrs of Nagasaki, more than 50 Christians sealed their faith with their blood. Some of the martyrs were beheaded, some were burned at the stake. In the group were nine Jesuits, including the famous Father Charles Spinola, nine Franciscans, and nine Dominicans, among whom were the Blesseds Alphonsus de Mena, Angelo Orsucci, and Hyacinth Orphanel. Louis Bertrand, a nephew of the saint of that same name, perished in the same persecution.
Thousands of Japanese Christians, from tiny children to old grandparents, died amid terrible torments in the profession of their faith. The anger of the persecutors was turned against all priests, brothers, and catechists, tertiaries, and Rosarians, and they made fearful attempts to stamp out all traces of the hated religion in the country. Pope Pius IX, in 1867, solemnly beatified 205 of the martyrs, among whom were 59 Dominicans of the first and third orders and 58 members of the Rosary Confraternity. Although all did not die at the same time nor place, they are listed under the name of Alphonsus Navarrete, who was the first to die (Benedictines, Dorcy).
Bl. Alphonse Navarette & Companions
Taken from “Short Lives of the Dominican Saints” (London, Kegan Paul, Trench, and Trübner & Co., Ltd., 1901)
On July 7th, A.D. 1867, just after the celebration of the eighteenth centenary of the martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul, Pope Pius IX solemnly beatified two hundred and five martyrs who had suffered for the faith in Japan at various dates during the persecution which raged in that country between A.D. 1614 and A.D. 1643. Fifty-nine of these blessed martyrs belonged to the Order of Saint Dominic; of these, some were European missionaries, for the most part Spaniards from the Philippine Islands, others native Friars, and others again Tertiaries; fifty-eight more were members of the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary. There were also Jesuits, Franciscans, and Augustinians, and numbers of native converts.
The first Dominican who laid down his life for the faith in this persecution was the Blessed Father Alfonso Navarrete, who for his heroic deeds of charity has been termed the Saint Vincent de Paul of Japan. He was captured by the pagans when on his way to succor the afflicted Christians of Omura, an act which was equivalent to offering himself for martyrdom. After dragging him from one desert island to another, in order to find some spot where his execution might take place unknown to the Christians, the soldiers at length struck of his head as he knelt in prayer, holding his rosary and a blessed candle in one hand, and a wooden cross in the other. His martyrdom took place on June 1st, A.D. 1617.
During the five years which ensued, numbers of missionaries and of native Christians fell into the hands of the persecutors, and were at length all imprisoned together at Omura. There were nine Dominicans, nine Franciscans, nine Jesuits, amongst whom was the famous Father Charles Spinola, and a few seculars. During their long and painful captivity, they kept up all the exercises of community life, rising at midnight to recite their Office, and celebrating as many Masses as they could at daybreak. They also imposed on themselves many fasts and other austerities, in addition to the sufferings which they had to undergo in their wretched prison. Yet so full of joy were they at the thought of suffering for the name of Christ, that Father Alfonso de Mena of the Order of Saint Dominic used to date his letters, “From this prison of Omura, the paradise of my delights.” On September 9th, A.D. 1622, four-and-twenty of the prisoners were removed to Nangasaki, and on the following day were led out to the Holy Hill, consecrated twenty-five years before by the crucifixion of the twenty-six canonized martyrs of Japan. A Christian went before them, bearing the banner of the Confraternity of the Holy Name, whilst they followed joyfully, singing the Litanies and the Te Deum. Father Joseph of Saint Hyacinth addressed the crowds who had gathered together to witness the scene, exhorting them to be faithful to the devotion of the Holy Rosary, which would continue to instruct them when their pastors should be no more. A state was prepared for each of the martyrs, the horrible death of burning having been assigned to several of them. Another procession of native Christians from Nangasaki now joined them, clad in robes of ceremony and preceded by a Dominican Tertiary, clothed in the habit of the Order and carrying a cross. Some of them bore their little children in their arms. The victims numbered upwards of fifty; about half of them were sentenced to be burnt and the rest beheaded.
The former were fastened to their stakes in such a way as to allow of their escaping, should they choose to save their lives by apostasy. The fire was applied slowly, so as to prolong their agony; but only two of the heroic company evinced any sign of being conscious of their sufferings. Both of them were young Japanese and implored the Governor to grant them a quicker death; but the boon was denied, and Blessed Paul Nangasci, a Dominican Tertiary, left his stake to lead them back to the altar of sacrifice. The Blessed Father Angelo Ferrer Orsucci was seen to rise gradually in a kneeling posture several feet above the flames, and thus continued for some time in ecstasy. One by one the Martyrs passed to their reward. The Blessed Father Hyacinth Orphanel lingered in agony for sixteen hours, expiring at length with the names of Jesus and Mary on his lips. This martyrdom is known in history as the Great Martyrdom. All the religious orders in Japan shared the triumph, but that of Saint Domini was most numerously represented, offering to God on that day five of its priests, and three professed Brothers, besides numbers of Tertiaries and members of the Confraternity of the Rosary.
A few weeks previously the Blessed Father Lewis Florez had been executed at the instigation of the Dutch, on August 19th, and two days after the Great Martyrdom, there more Dominicans suffered death by fire. In the following year, A.D. 1623, on the 25th of August, the Blessed Father Peter Vazquez was burnt in company with four companions, singing the litanies in the midst of the flames. On July 26th, A.D. 1627, Blessed Father Lewis Bertrand, cousin and namesake of the great Saint Lewis Bertrand, was burnt with two native Friar Preachers. Next year the Blessed Father Dominic Castellet shared the same fate, in company with two Dominican lay-brothers and two Franciscans.
So fiercely did the persecution rage, and so fiendish were the measures taken for preventing the landing of fresh missionaries in the country, that at length the Japanese Christians were left without pastors and continued in that condition for two hundred years. Nevertheless, when, in our own days, the long closed Empire became once more accessible to the Europeans, it was found to contain a considerable number of Christians who had preserved the form of baptism with the utmost accuracy, were well instructed in the essential doctrines of religion, and familiar with man of the prayers in common use among the faithful, and who still cherished with great veneration a picture representing the Fifteen Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. What stronger testimony can be alleged to the truth of the Catholic Church which could thus sustain its life, drawn from a Divine source, under circumstances that must have crushed any religion of human origin?
First Vespers:
Ant. The souls of the Saints who followed in the footsteps of Christ rejoice in heaven: and because for love of Him they poured out their blood, therefore shall they reign forever with Christ.
V. Pray for us, Blessed Alphonsus with thy companions.
R. That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
Ant. The souls of the Saints, who for love of God despised the threats of men: the holy Martyrs triumph with the angels in the kingdom of heaven. O how precious is the death of the Saints, who constantly assist before the Lord and are not separated one from another!
V. Wonderful is God
R. In His Saints
Second Vespers:
Ant. God will wipe every tear from the eyes of the Saints: and mourning there will be no more, neither weeping nor any sorrow because the former things have passed away.
V. Pray for us, Blessed Alphonsus with thy companions.
R. That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us Pray: O God, who dost rejoice us with the triumph of Blessed Alphonsus and his companions, grant us, we beseech Thee, by their merits and intercession, like constancy in faith and efficacy in action. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Pascal Time
First Vespers:
Ant. Come, O daughters of Jerusalem, and behold a Martyr with a crown wherewith the Lord crowned him on the day of solemnity and rejoicing, alleluia, alleluia
V. Pray for us, Blessed Alphonsus with thy companions, alleluia
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ, alleluia.
Ant. Perpetual light will shine upon Thy Saints, O Lord, alleluia, and an eternity of ages, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
V. The just man shall blossom like the lily, alleluia.
R. And shall flourish forever before the Lord, alleluia
Second Vespers:
Ant. In the city of the Lord the music of the Saints incessantly resounds: there the angels and archangels sing a canticle before the throne of God, alleluia.
V. Pray for us, Blessed Alphonsus with thy companions, alleluia.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. alleluia
Let us Pray: O God, who dost rejoice us with the triumph of Blessed Alphonsus and his companions, grant us, we beseech Thee, by their merits and intercession, like constancy in faith and efficacy in action. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.