dominican saints
bl. anthony neyrot, m.O.P.

Feast Day: April 10th
Born: 1420
Died: Martyred on Holy Thursday, 1460
Blessed Anthony Neyrot occupies a unique place in Dominican history, as he is the only one among the beautified who ever renounced the faith. He expiated his sin with an act of heroism that merited heaven, washing away in his own blood the denial that might have cost him his soul.
Of the childhood of Blessed Anthony, we know nothing that he was born at Rivoli, in Italy. He was accepted into the Order by Saint Antoninus, who must have been particularly fond of the young man, since he gave him his own name. Completing his studies, Anthony was ordained and lived for a time at San Marco, the famous Dominican convent in Florence. Then, becoming restless and dissatisfied, he asked for a change of mission. He was sent to Sicily, but this did not prove to his liking either so he set out for Naples.
Brother Anthony was sailing from Sicily to Naples when pirates captured the ship. Anthony was taken to Tunis and sold as a slave. He was able to win his freedom, but fell away from the Church. He denied his faith in Jesus and abandoned his religious vocation. He accepted the Koran, the diabolical book of the Muslims. For several months, he practiced the Muslim religion. He also married.
In the meantime, his former Dominican prior, the saintly Antoninus, died. This led Anthony to have a shocking experience. It seems that one night, Anthony had something like a dream. St. Antoninus appeared to him. The conversation between the two men was to lead to a radical change in Anthony. He became truly sorry for having betrayed the Lord. He knew that in his heart he could never give up his faith in Jesus. He knew that he could only be a Catholic. And he realized that he still wanted very much to be a Dominican brother.
Blessed Anthony sent his wife back to her family. He then put on his white Dominican habit. In spite of his fear, he went to see the ruler of Tunis. A large crowd gathered and the ruler came out to the courtyard. Brother Anthony publicly admitted he had made a terrible mistake becoming a Muslim. He was a Catholic. He believed in and loved Jesus. He was a Dominican and wanted to be so for all his life. The ruler was angry. He threatened and then made promises of rewards if only Anthony would take back what he was saying. But Anthony would not. He knew this meant his death.
Anthony knelt and began to pray for the courage to give his life for Jesus. Suddenly he felt the large stones pounding him. He just kept praying for the strength to remain true to the Lord. Then he lost consciousness. Anthony died a martyr in 1460. Some merchants from Genoa, Italy, took his remains back to his own country.

First Vespers
Ant. This is a martyr indeed , who for the name of Christ shed his blood; who neither feared the threats of judges, nor sought the glory of earthly dignity, but has joyously come to the heavenly kingdom.
V. Pray for us Blessed Anthony
R. That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
Ant. Let him that would come after Me deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me.
V. A Crown of gold is on his head,.
R. Signed with the sign of sanctity.
Second Vespers
Ant. This is he who for the law of his God delivered himself to death. He did not hesitate to die; he was slain by the wicked, and lives forever with Christ: he followed the Lamb and has received the palm.
V. Pray for us, Blessed Anthony.
R. That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us Pray: O God, who didst mercifully bring Blessed Anthony back to the Light of Truth, and didst make him a glorious Martyr, grant, through his intercession, that we may ever be effectual in the performance of good works. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Pascal Times
First Vespers:
Ant. Come, O daughters of Jerusalem, and behold a Martyr with a crown wherewith the Lord crowned him on the day of solemnity and rejoicing, alleluia, alleluia
V. Pray for us, Blessed Anthony alleluia
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ, alleluia.
Ant. Perpetual light will shine upon Thy Saints, O lord, alleluia, and an eternity of ages, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
V. A crown of gold is on his head, alleluia.
R. Signed with the sign of sanctity, alleluia
Second Vespers:
Ant. In the city of the Lord the music of the Saints incessantly resounds: there the angels and archangels sing a canticle before the throne of God, alleluia.
V. Pray for us, Blessed Anthony, alleluia
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. alleluia
Let us Pray: O God, who didst mercifully bring Blessed Anthony back to the Light of Truth, and didst make him a glorious Martyr, grant, through his intercession, that we may ever be effectual in the performance of good works. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.