Our Clergy

Fr. Santiago Richards was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He was ordained by the late Bishop Andres Morello, of the Company of Jesus and Mary.

The congregation aims to follow the prescriptions of the Catholic Church which monasteries and convents observe. The Company of Jesus and Mary maintain the traditional Latin Mass, Catechism, all the traditional laws of the Church, and the habit that always identified monks and religious throughout history.

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

a new Monastery in massachusetts

“A place for only God to be known, loved and served.”

Young men who are discerning a religious vocation should consider the Company of Jesus and Mary as a means of sanctification for themselves and for the salvation of souls. You now have a new opportunity in the United States to follow in the ways of St. Ignatius in the Company of Jesus and Mary. We hope and pray that their good work will continue not only at Sacred Heart Church but in all their chapels throughout the world. For more information, please contact Fr. Alfredo Contreras at [email protected].