dominican saints
Feast of the Most Holy Crown of Thorns

Feast Day: April 24th

Fr. William Bonniwell, O.P., in his history of the Dominican Rite, notes that this feast is actually listed on the oldest surviving Dominican liturgical calendar, which dates back to the time when Humbert de Romans was Master of the Order.
“Regarding the Crown of Our Lord, the Dominicans took an active part in the institution of the feast. When Baldwin II, the Latin Emperor of Constantinople, offered the Crown of Thorns to St. Louis of France, the king sent two Dominicans, André of Longiumeau and a lay,brother named James, to bring back the relic. After many dangers and difficulties, for a war was then being waged, the Dominicans eluded the Greek warships and returned with the priceless relic, which was later placed in the beautiful Sainte-Chappelle at Paris. To commemorate the event, the feast of the Crown of Thorns was instituted.” (A History of the Dominican Liturgy 1215-1945, Fr William R. Bonniwell, O.P.)
Taken from the Third Lesson of Matins:
When Saint Louis, King of France, accepted from Baldwin II, Emperor of Constantinople, the gift of Our Lord’s Crown of Thorns, he sent to Constantinople two brethren, Stephen and James, of the Order of Preachers. In the year 1239, on the day following Saint Lawrence’s feast, they brought the crown to Sens to the king. With great solemnity, it was born to Paris and was finally placed in the Royal Palace, in a chapel built by King St. Louis himself.
The precious treasure, profanely stolen during the unhappy days of the French Revolution towards the end of the eighteenth century, was later restored and transferred to the metropolitan basilica. King St. Louis however, made a gift of some thorns of the Sacred Crown to the Dominicans and commissioned them to celebrate, in the chapel dedicated to the crown, the anniversary of its reception there. The feast of the Most Holy Crown of Thorns was inserted into the calendar of the Order of Preachers about the middle of the thirteenth century.
Christ Crowned with Thorns by Fra Angelico (1400-1455)
This crown, that was used by men to mock the Lord, was used by the Lord to show men what true kingship is all about – sacrifice. His love, displayed so vividly on the cross, appears even greater when we consider that He is the king who died for love of His subjects. This crown of scorn, then, became a crown of glory for the King of Glory. And thanks to the blood of Christ, some of which was shed by this glorious crown, the gates of heaven have been opened, and we can join the Eternal King, where He reigns from His throne, crowned in glory.
Collect of Mass of the Most Holy Crown of Thorns:
Almighty God, we pray Thee, bestow on us who recall the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ by honoring His Crown of Thorns on earth, that we may be worthy to be crowned by Him with glory and honor in heaven; Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God world without end. Amen.
Secret of Mass of the Most Holy Crown of Thorns
Strengthen the might of Thy soldiers, O Almighty King, that they whom the Crown of Thy Son encourages in the arena of this life, may at the close of the contest lay hold of the reward of life eternal. Through the same Lord, Jesus Christ, Thy Son.