holy name society
"The Holy Name Society promotes devotion and reverence to the
Holy Name of God and Jesus; helps members grow in holiness,
and obtain their personal salvation."

holy name men promise:
- To labor individually for the glory of God’s name, and to make it known to those who are ignorant of it.
- Never to pronounce disrespectfully the Name of Jesus.
- To avoid blasphemy, perjury, profane and indecent language.
- To induce their neighbors to refrain from all insults against God and His saints, and from profane and unbecoming language.
- To object to those who blaspheme or use profane language in their presence with prudence.
- Never to work or carry on business unnecessarily on Sunday.
- To do all they can to induce their dependents to sanctify Sunday.
- To attend regularly the meetings and devotional exercises of the Society.
- To communicate on the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus & on the monthly Sunday of the Society.
- To assemble monthly at an hour convenient to the Society for devotional exercises.