dominican novenas
Novena to St. Catherine of Siena

Lord have mercy on us, Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
Eternal Fountain of all being, have mercy on us.
Unspotted Mirror of God’s Majesty, have mercy on us.
Love of the Father and of the Son, have mercy on us.
Sacred Trinity of persons, in unity of essence, have mercy on us.
August Mary, tabernacle of God with men, pray for us.
Holy father Saint Dominic, pray for us.
Saint Catherine of Siena, pray for us.
Saint Catherine, our holy Mother and Patroness, pray for us.
Chaste Spouse of Jesus Christ, pray for us.
Fervent lover of our Lord, pray for us.
Faithful follower of the Cross, pray for us.
Contemplative soul, instructed by the Holy Ghost, pray for us.
Enemy of vanity, pray for us.
Vanquisher of the evil one, pray for us.
Pattern of obedience and docility, pray for us.
Humble Catherine, pray for us.
Rigidly austere, pray for us.
Immaculate Catherine, pray for us.
Most devout to the Blessed Sacrament, pray for us.
Entirely devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.
Lustre of Dominicanesses, pray for us.
Heroically meek and patient, pray for us.
Transcendently charitable, pray for us.
Powerful in converting souls, pray for us.
Mediatrix for sinners, pray for us.
Angel of peace, pray for us.
Guide in the interior life, pray for us.
Replenished with eternal knowledge, pray for us.
Filled with divine gifts, pray for us.
Caught up to the throne of the divinity, pray for us.
Following the Lamb whithersoever he goeth, pray for us.
Encompassed with glory, and inebriated with the plenitude of the house of God, pray for us.
Brightness of Eternal Light, Have mercy on us.
Teacher of St. Catherine, Have mercy on us.
Increated Beauty, Rewarder of St. Catherine, Have mercy on.
V. Pray for us, O blessed St. Catherine.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
O God Who didst adorn blessed Catherine with a special privilege of purity and patience, and didst enable her to triumph over malignant spirits, and to persevere unshaken in the love of thy Holy Name; grant, we beseech thee, that by her example, contemning the world, and overcoming all its deceits, we may securely pass to the enjoyment of thy glory. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Taken from “The Dominican Manual: A Selection of Prayers and Devotions” Dublin: Browne and Nolan. 1913.