Prayers to God the Father

O Pater misericordiarum
O Father of Mercies
From the Raccolta #65 (S. C. Ind. April 21, 1818; S. P. Ap., March 23, 1936).
An indulgence of 3 years.
Domine sancte, Pater omnipotens
O Father of Mercies
The text of this prayer appears in the Stimulus Divini Amoris. In the past this work has been attributed to St. Bonaventure (1218-1274) and to Henri of Beaume (d. 1439), but it is actually the work of Jacobus Mediolanensis (13th/14th century).
DOMINE sancte, Pater omnipotens, aeterne Deus, propter tuam largitatem et Filii tui, qui pro me sustinuit passionem et mortem, et Matris eius excellentissimam sanctitatem, atque omnium Sanctorum merita, concede mihi peccatori, et omni tuo beneficio indigno, ut te solum diligam, tuum amorem semper sitiam, beneficium passionis continuo in corde habeam, meam miseriam recognoscam, et ab omnibus conculcari et contemni cupiam; nihil me contristet nisi culpa. Amen.
From the Raccolta #66; Pius IX, Rescript in his own hand, April 11, 1874; S. P. Ap., Dec 13, 1932.
An indulgence of 3 years, a plenary indulgence once a month on the usual conditions for the daily recitation of this prayer.
My God I believe in Thee
From the Raccolta, # 37; S.C. Ind. Nov. 21, 1885; S. P. Ap., March 23, 1936.
An indulgence of 300 days.
Let us Turn Towards the Lord God
Written by St. Augustine (354-430) to conclude several of his sermons. This one is found in his Sermon CLXXXIII
LET us turn towards the Lord God and Father Almighty, and with a pure heart let us give Him sincere thanks as well as our littleness will allow: Let us with our whole hearts beseech His extraordinary clemency, that He may vouchsafe to hear our prayers according to His good pleasure. May He by His power drive our enemies far from us, lest we fall under the sway of the evil one in act or thought. May He increase our faith, rule our mind, give us spiritual thoughts, and at last lead us to His blessedness, through Jesus Christ His Son. Amen
As quoted from P. L., xxxviii, c. 994. by Liturgical Prayer, Its History & Spirit, Fernand Cabrol, OSB, P.J. Kenedy & Sons. 1921
Prayer of St. Clement I
This prayer is found in the writings of Pope St. Clement I (c 38 – c 101) in his letter to the Corinthians
GIVE us the grace, Lord, to hope in Thy Name, to which all creatures owe their being. Open the eyes of our hearts to know Thee alone, the Most High in the highest heavens, whose dwelling is in the holy of holies. Thou abasest the arrogance of the proud, frustrate the designs of the godless, humble the lofty and exalt the lowly, makest wealthy and poor, Thou slayest, Thou savest and Thou bringest to life. Alone the Benefactor of spirits and God of all flesh, Thy gaze penetrates the depths, Thou observest the doings of men. Helper of those in peril, Savior of those in despair, Creator of all that draws breath, Thou causest the peoples on the earth to multiply and from them all choose those who love Thee through Jesus Christ, Thy beloved Son. Through Him Thou hast instructed us, sanctified us, honored us.
WE ask Thee, O Lord, to be our supporter and our helper. To those of us who are afflicted, free us, pity the lowly, raise the fallen, show thyself to the needy, heal the sick, convert Thy wayward people, feed the hungry, deliver our captives, support the weak, encourage the faint-hearted. Let all nations know that Thou alone art God and Jesus Christ is Thy Son, and we are Thy people, the sheep of Thy flock.
TRULY Thou hast established the world and revealed Thy decrees. Thou art faithful through all generations, just in judgment, admirable in strength and majesty, wise in building, prudent in establishment, goodness in everything seen, faithful to those who put their trust in Thee, and kind and merciful. Dismiss from us our iniquities, our injustices, our sins and our failings.
DO not hold the sins of Thy servants against them, but purify us by Thy truth, and direct our steps that in holiness and justice and simplicity of heart we may walk and so do what is good and pleasing in Thy sight and in the sight of our leaders.
O Lord, let the light of your face shine upon us, so that we may enjoy Thy blessings in peace, protected by Thy strong hand, and freed from all sin by Thy outstretched arm; and deliver us from those who hate us unjustly.
GRANT peace and concord to us and to all mankind, even as Thou gavest it to our forefathers when they devoutly called upon Thee in faith and in truth. Thou alone art able to bestow these and even greater benefits upon us. We praise Thee through our high priest and the patron of our souls, Jesus Christ. Through Him be glory and majesty to Thee now and throughout all generations, for ever and ever. Amen.
O Omnium Domine
O Lord of All
By St. Gregory Nazianzen (329-389), Bishop and Doctor of the Church
O OMNIUM Domine et effector ac praecipue huius figmenti!
O Deus tuorum hominum et Pater ac gubernator!
O vitae et mortis arbiter!
O nostrarum animarum custos et benefactor!
O QUI omnia facis, et tempestive, atque, ut ipse pro sapientiae tuae et administrationis altitudine nosti, artifice Verbo transmutas, nunc quidem Caesarium, discessus nostri primitias, quaeso, suscipe.
NOS vero quoque opportuno tempore suscipe, tamdiu in carne vitam nostram moderatus, quamdiu conducibile fuerit; et quidem suscipe ob metum tuum paratos et non turbatos, neque in extremo die terga vertentes atque invito animo, quemadmodum solent qui mundo et carni addicti sunt, hinc abstractos et avulsos, sed prompte et alacriter ad beatam illam et longaevam vitam proficiscentes, quae est in Christo Iesu Domino nostro, cui gloria in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
O LORD and Creator of all, and especially of this Thy creature!
O God and Father and Ruler of Thy people!
O Arbiter of life and death!
O Guardian and Benefactor of our souls!
O THOU who makest all, and in due season transformest all by the power of Thy Word according to Thy wisdom and deep designs, receive now, I beg Thee, those who have gone before us.
RECEIVE us too at the opportune time, until Thou hast restrained us in our fleshly life for as long as it will have been to our advantage. Indeed receive us prepared by fear of Thee and not troubled, nor turning back on that day of death, nor unwilling like those who are accustomed to the world and addicted to the flesh. Instead, may we set out eagerly for that everlasting and blessed life which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. To Him be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Eternal Father I Offer Thee
the Infinite Satisfaction
Written by Saint Margaret Alacoque
Eternal Father, I Offer unto Thee the infinite satisfaction which Jesus rendered to Thy justice in behalf of sinners upon the tree of the Cross; and I pray that Tghou wouldst make the merits of His Precious Blood available to all guilty souls to whom sin has brought death; may they rise again to the life of grace and glorify Thee for ever.
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the fervent devotion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in satisfaction for the lukewarmness and cowardice of Thy chosen people, imploring Thee by the burning love which made Him suffer death, that it may please Thee to rekindle their hearts now so lukewarm in Thy service, and to set them on fire with Thy love, that they may love Thee for ever.
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the submission of Jesus to Thy will, and I ask of Thee, through His merits, the fullness of all grace and the accomplishments of all grace and the accomplishments of all Thy holy will. Blessed be God!
From the Raccolta, #68
An indulgence of 3 years, a plenary indulgence once a month on the usual conditions for the daily recitation of this prayer.
O God, Who in the Glorious Transfiguration
From the Raccolta, #67; S.C. Ind., Dec 14, 1889; S. P. Ap., March 26, 1936
An indulgence of 5 years, a plenary indulgence once a month on the usual conditions for the daily recitation of this prayer.
Eternal Father, I offer Thee
Eternal father, I offer thee the sacrifice wherein thy dear son Jesus offered Himself upon the Cross and which He now renews upon the altar, to adore Thee and to render to Thee that honor which is Thy due, acknowledging Thy supreme dominion over all things and their absolute dependence on Thee, for Thou art our first beginning and our last end; to give Thee thanks for countless benefits received; to appease Thy justice provoked to anger by so many sins, and to offer Thee worthy satisfaction for the same; and finally to implore Thy grace and mercy for myself, for all those who are in tribulation and distress, for all poor sinners, for the whole world and for the blessed souls in purgatory. Amen.
From the Raccolta, #68.
An Indulgence of 3 years for devoutly making this act of oblation at the beginning of Mass, A plenary indulgence , if this act of devotion is performed on every holy day of obligation for one month, even if it is said at a Mass of obligation, provided one has gone to confession, received Holy Communion, and prayed according to the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
Perenne Lumen in Templo Aeterni
Perpetual Light in the Eternal Temple
Written by St. Columban (c543-615), Abbot
DOMINE, da mihi, rogo te, in nomine Iesu Christi Filii tui, Dei mei, illam quae nescit cadere caritatem, ut mea lucerna accendi sciat, exstingui nesciat; mihi ardeat, aliis luceat.
TU, Christe, lucernas nostras accendere digneris, dulcissime nobis salvator noster, quo perpetuae luceant in templo tuo, ac perenne lumen a te perenni lumine accipiant, ut tenebrae nostrae illuminentur, mundi autem tenebrae a nobis fugentur.
SIC lumen tuum meae largiaris, rogo, Iesu mi, lucernae, ut illius luce illa sancta sanctorum mihi appareant, quae te aeternum Pontificem aeternorum in antibus magni illius tui templi illic intrantem habeant, quo te iugiter tantummodo videam, aspiciam, desiderem; tantum te amans conspiciam ac coram te mea semper lucerna luceat, ardeat.
TUUM sit, quaeso, te nobis pulsantibus monstrare, amantissime Salvator, ut te intelligentes, tantum te amemus, te solum amemus, te solum desideremus, te solum meditemur die ac nocte, semper te cogitemus; et in tantum nobis tuum inspirare digneris amorem, quantum te amari Deum decet ac diligi; ut omnia interiora nostra tua occupet dilectio, totosque nos tuus possideat amor, totos nostros sensus tua impleat caritas, ut praeter te aliud amare nesciamus, qui sempiternus es; quo tanta caritas aquis multis huius aeris et huius terrae et huius maris exstingui in nobis nequeat iuxta illud: Et aquae multae non potuerunt extinguere caritatem.
QUOD in nobis quoque compleri vel ex parte possit, te donante Domino nostro Iesu Christo, cui gloria in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
O LORD, in the name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and my God, I ask Thee to give me the love that never fails so that my lantern may always be lighted, never failing, burning within me within me and giving light to others.
THOU, O Christ, our sweetest Savior, deign to light our lamps so that they may burn forever in Thy temple, may they receive eternal light from Thee, the Eternal Light, and by it may our darkness be illuminated and the darkness of the world dispelled from us.
O my Jesus, I beg Thee to give Thy light to my lantern, so that I may see by its light the Holy of Holies, which has Thee, the eternal High Priest, entering among the great columns of Thy temple. May I see Thee only, look upon Thee, desire Thee; may I gaze lovingly upon Thee alone and before Thee may my lamp always shine, always burn.
MOST Loving Savior, I beseech Thee, be pleased to show Thyself to us who knock, that in knowing Thee we may love Thee only, that we may love Thee alone, that we may desire Thee alone, that we may meditate day and night on Thee alone, and that we may always contemplate Thee alone. Deign to inspire in us as much of Thy love as is fitting to be received by Thee as God, so that our whole being may be occupied by Thy love, so that Thy love may possess us completely, so that it may fill our senses, and so that we may not know any other love but for Thee, Who art eternal. May so great a love in us be unable to be extinguished by the many waters of this earth, sea, and sky. Many waters have not been able to extinguish love.
MAY this too be fulfilled in us or at least in part, by Thy gift, our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.