Prayers to God the Son
Act of Reparation

Ejaculations & Invocations
My Jesus, mercy!
From the Raccolta #70 – An indulgence of 300 days, A plenary indulgence once a month on the usual conditions, when this invocation is devoutly recited every day for a month.
Sweetest Jesus, be not my Judge, but my Savior.
From the Raccolta #71 – An indulgence of 300 days, A plenary indulgence once a month on the usual conditions, when this invocation is devoutly recited every day for a month.
Jesus, my God, I Love Thee above all things.
From the Raccolta #72 – An indulgence of 300 days
Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.
From the Raccolta #73 – An indulgence of 500 days, A plenary indulgence once a month on the usual conditions, when this invocation is devoutly recited every day for a month.
O my Jesus, Thou who art very Love, enkindle in my heart that divine fire which consumes the Saints and transforms them into Thee.
From the Raccolta #74 – An indulgence of 300 days
Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, light of the world, I adore Thee; for Thee I live for Thee I die. Amen.
From the Raccolta #75 – An indulgence of 300 days
Jesus, I live for Thee; Jesus, I die for Thee; Jesus, I am Thine in life and in death. Amen.
From the Raccolta #76 – An indulgence of 300 days
O Jesus, life, eternal in the bosom of the Father, life of souls made in Thine own likeness, in the name of Thy love reveal Thy Heart and make It known!
From the Raccolta #77 – An indulgence of 300 days
O Jesus, the friend of little children, bless the little children of the whole world.
From the Raccolta #78 – An indulgence of 300 days
Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God
From the Raccolta #79 – An indulgence of 500 days when said before the Blessed Sacrament, even when It is reserved in the tabernacle. A plenary indulgence once a month when this devout homage is offered daily, on condition of confession, Communion and prayer for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
Blessed be Jesus Christ and His most pure Mother!
From the Raccolta #80 – An indulgence of 300 days
Jesus, for love of Thee, with Thee and for Thee.
From the Raccolta #81 – An indulgence of 300 days
O Jesus, Son of the Living God, have mercy on us! Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary, have mercy on us! O Jesus, King and center of all hearts, grant that peace may be in Thy kingdom.
From the Raccolta #82 – An indulgence of 300 days when said conjointly
O Jesus, with all my heart I cling to Thee.
From the Raccolta #83 – An indulgence of 300 days
O Jesus, be to me Jesus, and save me.
From the Raccolta #84 – An indulgence of 300 days, a plenary indulgence on the usual conditions, for the daily and devout recitation of this invocation through one month
Christ Jesus, my helper and my Redeemer.
From the Raccolta #85 – An indulgence of 300 days, a plenary indulgence on the usual conditions, for the daily and devout recitation of this invocation through one month
Lord Jesus Christ, Thou only art holy, Thou only art the Lord, Thou only art the Most High.
From the Raccolta #86 – An indulgence of 500 days, a plenary indulgence on the usual conditions, for the daily and devout recitation of this invocation through one month
O Jesus, grant that I may be Thine, wholly Thine, forever Thine.
From the Raccolta #87 – An indulgence of 300 days
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, grant us Thy peace.
From the Raccolta #89 – An indulgence of 30 days, a plenary indulgence on the usual conditions, for the daily and devout recitation of this invocation through one month
All honor, laud and glory be, O Jesus, Virgin-born to Thee: All glory, as is ever meet, To Father and the Paraclete.
From the Raccolta #90 – An indulgence of 500 days, a plenary indulgence on the usual conditions, for the daily and devout recitation of this invocation through one month
Grant unto us, Thy servants, O Lord Jesus Christ, to be protected at all times and in all places by the patronage of Blesses Mary, Thy Virgin Mother.
From the Raccolta #91 – An indulgence of 300 days
O sweetest Jesus, hide me in Thy Scared Heart, permit me not to be separated from Thee, defend me from the evil foe.
From the Raccolta #92 – An indulgence of 300 days
Lord Jesus, through Thine infant cries when Thou wert born for me in the manger; through Thy tears when Thou didst die for me on the Cross; through Thy love as Thou livest for me in the tabernacle, have mercy on me and save me.
From the Raccolta #93 – An indulgence of 300 days, a plenary indulgence on the usual conditions, for the daily and devout recitation of this invocation through one month
My dearest Jesus, teach me to be patient, when all the day long my heart is troubled by little, but vexatious crosses.
From the Raccolta #94 – An indulgence of 300 days
Lord Jesus, Let me know myself
From the Raccolta #88
An indulgence of 500 days, a plenary indulgence on the usual conditions, for the daily and devout recitation of this invocation through one month
we adore thee
Shortly before his death in October of 1226, St. Francis wrote his Testament which contained his last thoughts concerning the order he founded. In it he urged his followers to remain faithful to the rules of the order and the prayer below is taken from this work. This prayer by St. Francis was inspired by the Antiphon: Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi; quia per sanctam Crucem tuam redemisti mundi, which was part of the Liturgy for Good Friday. This Antiphon has a long and venerable history as a prayer in and of itself. Pope St. Gregory the Great recommended it (Liber Responsalis, PL 78, 805) as did the monk Arnulphe (Documenta Vitae Religiosae, PL 184, 1177)
We Adore Thee, most holy Lord Jesus Christ, here and in all Thy churches that are in the whole world, and we bless Thee; because by Thy Holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the World. Amen.
Lord, Jesus
Lord, Jesus,
By Thine infant cries when Thou wast born for me in the manger,
By Thy tears when Thou didst die for me on the Cross,
By Thy love as Thou livest for me in the tabernacle,
Have mercy on me and save me.
From the Raccolta #93 (S. P. Ap., Jan. 20 1941)
An indulgence of 300 days, A plenary indulgence once a month on the usual conditions for the daily devout repetition of the invocation.
Aufer a me cor lapideum
Take From Me My Heart of Stone
O LORD, take away my heart of stone, my hardened heart, my uncircumcised heart and grant to me a new heart, a heart of flesh, a clean heart! O Thou who purifieth the heart and loveth the clean heart, possess my heart and dwell in it, containing it and filling it, higher than my highest and more intimate than my most intimate thoughts. Thou who art the image of all beauty and the seal of all holiness, seal my heart in Thine image and seal my heart in Thy mercy, O God of my heart and the God of my portion in eternity. Amen.
Domine Jesu, noverim me
Lord Jesus, Let me Know Myself
DOMINE Jesu, noverim me, noverim te,
Nec aliquid cupiam nisi te.
Oderim me et amem te.
Omnia agam propter te.
Humiliem me, exaltem te.
Nihil cogitem nisi te.
Mortificem me et vivam in te.
Quaecumque eveniant accipiam a te.
Persequar me, sequar te,
Semperque optem sequi te.
Fugiam me, confugiam ad te,
Ut merear defendi a te.
Timeam mihi, timeam te,
Et sim inter electos a te.
Diffidam mihi, fidam in te.
Oboedire velim propter te.
Ad nihil afficiar nisi ad te,
Et pauper sim propter te.
Aspice me, ut diligam te.
Voca me, ut videam te,
Et in aeternum fruar te.
LORD Jesus, let me know myself and know Thee,
And desire nothing save only Thee.
Let me hate myself and love Thee.
Let me do everything for the sake of Thee.
Let me humble myself and exalt Thee.
Let me think of nothing except Thee.
Let me die to myself and live in Thee.
Let me accept whatever happens as from Thee.
Let me banish self and follow Thee,
And ever desire to follow Thee.
Let me fly from myself and take refuge in Thee,
That I may deserve to be defended by Thee.
Let me fear for myself, let me fear Thee,
And let me be among those who are chosen by Thee.
Let me distrust myself and put my trust in Thee.
Let me be willing to obey for the sake of Thee.
Let me cling to nothing save only to Thee,
And let me be poor because of Thee.
Look upon me, that I may love Thee.
Call me that I may see Thee,
And for ever enjoy Thee.
From the Raccolta #88 (Apostolic Brief, Sept. 25, 1883; S. P. Ap. Dec. 17, 1932)
An Indulgence of 500 days, A plenary indulgence once a month on the usual conditions for the daily recitation of this prayer.
jesu dulcissime, Redemptor
Most Sweet Jesus, Redeemer
JESU dulcissime, Redemptor humani generis, respice nos ante conspectum tuum humillime provolutos. Tui sumus, tui esse volumus; quo autem tibi coniuncti firmius esse possimus, en hodie sacratissimo Cordi tuo se quisque nostrum sponte dedicat. Te quidem multi novere nunquam; te, spretis mandatis tuis, multi repudiarunt. Miserere utrorumque, benignissime Jesu, atque ad sanctum Cor tuum rape universos.
Rex esto, Domine, nec fidelium tantum qui nullo tempore discessere a te, sed etiam prodigorum filiorum qui te reliquerunt; fac hos, ut domum paternam cito repetant, ne miseria et fame pereant.
Rex esto eorum, quos aut opinionum error deceptos habet, aut discordia separatos, eosque ad portum veritatis atque ad unitatem fidei revoca, ut brevi fiat unum ovile et unus pastor.
Largire, Domine, Ecclesiae tuae securam cum incolumitate libertatem; largire cunctis gentibus tranquillitatem ordinis; perfice, ut ab utroque terrae vertice una resonet vox: Sit laus divino Cordi, per quod nobis parta salus: ipsi gloria et honor in saecula! Amen.
MOST sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before Thee. We are Thine, and Thine we wish to be; but to be more surely united with Thee, behold each one of us freely consecrates himself today to Thy Most Sacred Heart. Many indeed have never known Thee; many, too, despising Thy precepts, have rejected Thee. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to Thy Sacred Heart.
Be King, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken Thee, but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned Thee; grant that they may quickly return to their Father’s house, lest they die of wretchedness and hunger.
Be King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof, and call them back to the harbor of truth and the unity of faith, so that soon there may be but one flock and one Shepherd.
Grant, O Lord, to Thy Church assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give tranquility of order to all nations; make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry: Praise to the divine Heart that wrought our salvation; to It be glory and honor for ever! Amen.

Jesu Infans Dulcissime
Jesus, Sweetest Child
A prayer to the infant Jesus that meditates upon the events of His infancy.
V. Deus in adiutorium meum intende.
R. Domine, ad adiuvandum me festina.
V. Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto,
R. Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Pater noster
I. Jesu Infans dulcissime, e sinu Patris propter nostram salutem descendens, de Spiritu Sancto conceptus, Virginis uterum non horrens, et Verbum caro factum, formam servi accipiens, miserere nostri.
R. Miserere nostri, Jesu Infans, miserere nostri.
Ave Maria
II. Jesu Infans dulcissime, per Virginem Matrem tuam visitans Elisabeth, Joannem Baptistam Praecursorem tuum Spiritu Sancto replens, et adhuc in utero matris suae sanctificans, miserere nostri.
R. Miserere nostri, Jesu Infans, miserere nostri.
Ave Maria
III. Jesu Infans dulcissime, novem mensibus in utero clausus, summis votis a Maria Virgine et a sancto Joseph expectatus, et Deo Patri pro salute mundi oblatus, miserere nostri.
R. Miserere nostri, Jesu Infans, miserere nostri.
Ave Maria
IV. Jesu Infans dulcissime, in Bethlehem ex Virgine Maria natus, pannis involutus, in praesepio reclinatus, ab Angelis annuntiatus et pastoribus visitatus, miserere nostri.
R. Miserere nostri, Jesu Infans, miserere nostri.
Ave Maria
Jesu, tibi sit gloria,
Qui natus es de Virgine
Cum Patre et almo Spiritu,
In sempiterna saecula. Amen.
V. Christe prope est nobis
R. Venite, adoremus.
Pater noster
V. Jesu, Infans dulcissime, in circumcisione post dies octo vulneratus, glorioso Iesu nomine vocatus, et in nomine simul et sanguine Salvatoris officio praesignatus, miserere nostri.
R. Miserere nostri, Jesu Infans, miserere nostri.
Ave Maria
VI. Jesu Infans dulcissime, stella duce tribus Magis demonstratus, in sinu Matris adoratus, et mysticis muneribus, auro, thure, et myrrha donatus, miserere nostri.
R. Miserere nostri, Jesu Infans, miserere nostri.
Ave Maria
VII. Jesu Infans dulcissime, in templo a Matre Virgine praesentatus, inter brachia a Simeone amplexatus, et ab Anna prophetissa Israeli2 revelatus, miserere nostri.
R. Miserere nostri, Jesu Infans, miserere nostri.
Ave Maria
VIII. Jesu Infans dulcissime, ab iniquo Herode ad mortem quaesitus, a sancto Ioseph in Aegyptum cum Matre deportatus, a crudeli caede sublatus, et praeconiis Martyrum Innocentium glorificatus, miserere nostri.
R. Miserere nostri, Jesu Infans, miserere nostri.
Ave Maria
Jesu, tibi sit gloria,
Qui natus es de Virgine
Cum Patre et almo Spiritu,
In sempiterna saecula. Amen.
V. Christe prope est nobis
R. Venite, adoremus.
Pater noster
IX. Jesu Infans dulcissime, in Aegyptum cum Maria sanctissima et Patriarcha sancto Joseph usque ad obitum Herodis commoratus, miserere nostri.
R. Miserere nostri, Jesu Infans, miserere nostri.
Ave Maria
X. Jesu Infans dulcissime, ex Aegypto cum Parentibus in terram Israel reversus, multos labores in itinere perpessus, et in civitatem3 Nazareth ingressus, miserere nostri.
R. Miserere nostri, Jesu Infans, miserere nostri.
Ave Maria
XI. Jesu Infans dulcissime, in sancta Nazarena domo, subditus Parentibus, sanctissime commoratus, paupertate et laboribus fatigatus, in sapientiae, aetatis et gratiae profectu confortatus, miserere nostri.
R. Miserere nostri, Jesu Infans, miserere nostri.
Ave Maria
XII. Jesu Infans dulcissime, in Jerusalem duodennis ductus, a Parentibus cum dolore quaesitus, et post triduum cum gaudio inter Doctores inventus, miserere nostri.
R. Miserere nostri, Jesu Infans, miserere nostri.
Ave Maria
Jesu, tibi sit gloria,
Qui natus es de Virgine
Cum Patre et almo Spiritu,
In sempiterna saecula. Amen.
Die Nativitatis Domini et per Octavam:
V. Verbum caro factum est, alleluia.
R. Et habitavit in nobis, alleluia.
In Epiphania Domini et per Octavam:
V. Christus manifestavit se nobis, alleluia.
R. Venite, adoremus, alleluia.
Per annum:
V. Verbum caro factum est.
R. Et habitavit in nobis.
Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, Domine caeli et terrae, qui te revelas parvulis; concede, quaesumus, ut nos sacrosancta Filii tui Infantis Jesu mysteria digno honore recolentes, dignaque imitatione sectantes, ad regnum caelorum promissum parvulis pervenire valeamus. Per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
V. O God, come unto my assistance!
R. O Lord, make haste to help me!
V. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
R. As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.
Our Father
I. Jesus, sweetest Child, who didst come down from the bosom of the Father for our salvation, who wast conceived by the Holy Spirit, who didst not abhor the Virgin’s womb, and who, being the Word made flesh, didst take upon Thee the form of a servant, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us.
Hail Mary
II. Jesus, sweetest Child, who by means of Thy Virgin Mother didst visit Saint Elizabeth, who didst fill Thy forerunner, John the Baptist, with Thy Holy Spirit and didst sanctify him in his mother’s womb, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us.
Hail Mary
III. Jesus, sweetest Child, who, enclosed for nine months in Thy Mother’s womb, wast looked for with eager expectation by the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, and wast offered to God the Father for the salvation of the world, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us.
Hail Mary
IV. Jesus, sweetest Child, born in Bethlehem of the Virgin Mary, wrapped in swaddling clothes and lain in a manger, announced by Angels and visited by shepherds, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us.
Hail Mary
All honor, laud, and glory be,
O Jesu, Virgin-born, to Thee;
All glory, as is ever meet,
To the Father and to Paraclete. Amen.
V. Christ is near to us.
R. Come let us adore Him.
Our Father
V. Jesus, sweetest Child, wounded after eight days in Thy circumcision, called by the glorious Name of Jesus, and at once by Thy Name and by Thy Blood foreshown as the Savior of the world, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us.
Hail Mary
VI. Jesus, sweetest Child, manifested by the leading of a star to the Three Wise Men, worshiped in the arms of Thy Mother, presented with the mystic gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us.
Hail Mary
VII. Jesus, sweetest Child, presented in the temple by Thy Virgin Mother, taken up in Simeon’s arms, and revealed to Israel by Anna, a prophetess, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us.
Hail Mary
VIII. Jesus, sweetest Child, sought by wicked Herod to be slain, carried with Thy Mother into Egypt by Saint Joseph, rescued from the cruel slaughter, and glorified by the praises of the martyred Innocents, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us.
Hail Mary
All honor, laud, and glory be,
O Jesu, Virgin-born, to Thee;
All glory, as is ever meet,
To the Father and to Paraclete. Amen.
V. Christ is near to us.
R. Come let us adore Him.
Our Father
IX. Jesus, sweetest Child, who didst dwell in Egypt with most Holy Mary and the Patriarch, Saint Joseph until the death of Herod, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us.
Hail Mary
X. Jesus, sweetest Child, who didst return from Egypt to the land of Israel with Thy parents, suffering many hardships in the way, and didst enter into the city of Nazareth, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us.
Hail Mary
XI. Jesus, sweetest Child, who didst dwell most holy in the holy house at Nazareth, in subjection to Thy parents, wearied by poverty and toil, didst increase in wisdom, age, and grace, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us.
Hail Mary
XII. Jesus, sweetest Child, brought to Jerusalem at twelve years of age, sought by Thy parents sorrowing and found with joy after three days in the midst of the Doctors, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, Child Jesus, have mercy on us.
Hail Mary
All honor, laud, and glory be,
O Jesu, Virgin-born, to Thee;
All glory, as is ever meet,
To the Father and to Paraclete. Amen.
For Christmas and its Octave:
V. The Word was made flesh, alleluia
R. And dwelt among us, alleluia.
For Epiphany and its Octave:
V. Christ hath manifested Himself to us, alleluia.
R. O come let us worship, alleluia.
Throughout the year:
V. The Word was made flesh.
R. And dwelt among us.
Let us pray:
Almighty and everlasting God, Lord of heaven and earth, who dost reveal Thyself to little ones; grant we beseech Thee, that we, venerating with due honor the sacred mysteries of Thy Son, the Child Jesus, and copying them with due imitation, may be enabled to enter the kingdom of heaven which Thou hast promised to little children. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
From the Raccolta #126 (S.C. Ind. Nov. 23, 1819; S.P. Ap. June 8, 1935.)
An indulgence of 5 years, a plenary indulgence once a month on the usual conditions, for the daily recitation of this prayer.
Tu es, Deus, omnia nostra
Thou Art, O God, Our All
Written by St. Columbanus (c543-615)
UTINAM me illuc dignares adsciscere ad illum fontem, Deus misericors, pie Domine, ut ibi et ego cum sitientibus tuis vivam undam vivi fontis aquae vivae biberem, cuius nimia dulcedine delectatus sursum semper ei haererem et dicerem: >.
O DOMINE, tu es ipse iste fons, semper et semper desiderandus, semper licet et semper hauriendus. Nobis semper da, Domine, Christe, hanc aquam, ut sit in nobis quoque fons aquae vitae et salientis in vitam aeternam. Magna quidem posco, quis nesciat? Sed tu, rex gloriae, magna donare nosti et magna promisisti; nihil te maius, et te nobis donasti, te pro nobis dedisti.
UNDE te rogamus, ut sciamus quod amamus, quia nihil aliud praeter te nobis dari postulamus; tu es enim omnia nostra, vita nostra, lux nostra, salus nostra, cibus noster, potus noster, Deus noster. Inspira corda nostra, rogo, Iesu noster, illa tui Spiritus aura, et vulnera nostras tua caritate animas, ut possit uniuscuiusque nostrum anima in veritate dicere: “Indica mihi quem dilexit anima mea, quoniam vulnera caritate ego sum.”
OPTO illa vulnera in me sint, Domine. Beata talis anima, quae caritate sic vulneratur; talis fontem quaerit, talis bibit, semper tamen sitit bibendo, semper haurit desiderando, quae semper bibit sitiendo; sic semper quaerit amando, quae sanatur vulnerando; quo salutari vulnere animae nostrae interiora Deus et Dominus noster Iesus Christus, pius ille salutarisque medicus, vulnerare dignetur, cui cum Patre et cum Spiritu Sancto unitas est in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
O MERCIFUL God and good Lord, how I wish Thou wouldst admit me to that fountain where I, along with others thirsting after Thee, may drink from the living stream of living waters of the fountain of life. May I ever linger above, delighted by this water’s great sweetness and say “How sweet is this fountain of living water from which never fails, water welling up to eternal life.”
O LORD, Thou art Thyself this fountain, ever and always to be desired, ever and always to be consumed. O Lord Jesus Christ, give to us always this water that it may be for us the fountain of living water welling up to eternal life. Yes, indeed, I ask for a great thing, who does not know this? But Thou, King of glory, know how to give great things and have promised great things. For nothing is greater than Thee, and Thou hast given Thyself to us, given Thyself for us.
THEREFORE we ask Thee, that we may know what we love, for we demand nothing else except Thyself to be given unto us. Thou art our all, our life, our light, our salvation, our food, our drink, our God. I ask Thee, Jesus, inspire our hearts with that breath of Thy Spirit and wound our souls with Thy love, so that each and every one of our souls may in truth say: “Show me that which my soul desires, for I am wounded by Thy love.”
I WISH for these wounds, O Lord. Blessed is such a soul which is wounded so by love. Such a soul seeks the fountain and drinks of it, but always desiring more, always drinking more, always thirsting for more of that which it drinks. Likewise, the more a soul loves, the more it seeks that which wounded it. The more it is wounded, the more it is healed. May our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, the loving and healing physician, wound the depths of our souls with this healing wound, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit is one forever. Amen.
The Act of Consecration to Christ the King
Written by Father Chrysostom in 1903 with permission by Pope St. Pius X
O Jesus Christ, I acknowledge Thee as universal King. All that has been made, has been created for Thee. Exercise all Thy rights over me. I renew my baptismal vows, I renounce Satan, his pomps and his works: and I promise to live as a good Christian. And in particular do I pledge myself to labor, to the best of my ability, for the triumph of the rights of God and of Thy Church. Divine Heart of Jesus, to Thee do I offer my poor services, laboring that all hearts may acknowledge Thy Sacred kingship, and thus the reign of Thy peace may be established throughout the universe. Amen.
A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions, for the daily recitation of this prayer.
Commemoration of the sacred hEart
Coming to Jesus and seeing that He was already dead, they did not break His legs, but one of the soldiers opened Jesus’ side with a spear and immediately there came forth blood and water.
V. You shall draw waters with joy.
R. From the fountains of the Savior.
Let us pray:
O God, who in the Heart of Thy Son, wounded for our sins, dost mercifully lavish upon us the treasures of Thy love; grant, we beseech Thee, that with our devout homage we may also offer Him worthy reparation. Through our Lord.
R. Amen.
daily offering of the sacred hEart
Lord Jesus Christ, in union with that divine intention wherewith on earth Thou didst offer to God Thy praises through Thy Most Sacred Heart, and dost now offer them in the Sacrament of the Eucharist everywhere on earth even to the end of time, I most gladly offer Thee throughout this entire day, all my thoughts and intentions, all my affections and desires, all my words and deeds, in imitation of the most sacred Heart of the blessed and ever Virgin Mary Immaculate. Amen.
From the Raccolta #97. (S. C. Ind. Dec. 19, 1885; S. P. Ap., March 10, 1933).
An Indulgence of 3 years, A plenary indulgence once a month on the usual conditions for the daily recitation of this prayer.
O DIVINE hEart of jesus
O Divine heart of Jesus, grant, I pray Thee, eternal rest to the souls in purgatory, the final grace to those who are about to die this day, true repentance to sinners, the light of faith to pagans, and Thy blessing to me and to all who are dear to me. To Thee, therefore, O most merciful Heart of Jesus, I commend all these souls, and in their behalf I offer unto Thee all Thy merits in union with the merits of Thy most blessed Mother and of all the Angels and Saints, together with all the Masses, Communions, prayers and good works which are this day being offered throughout Christendom. Amen.
From the Raccolta #261. An Indulgence of 500 days.
pRAYER FOR THE Solemnity
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
O INEFFABILIS decor Dei excelsi et purissima claritas lucis aeternae, vita omnem vitam vivificans, lux omne lumen illuminans et conservans in splendore perpetuo multiformia lumina fulgentia, ante thronum divinitatis tuae a primaevo diluculo!
O AETERNUM et inaccessibile, clarum et dulce profluvium fontis absconditi ab oculis omnium mortalium, cuius amplitudo incircumscriptibilis, et cuius puritas imperturbabilis.
EX quo fluvius procedit, qui laetificat civitatem Dei, ut in voce exsultationis et confessionis decantemus tibi cantica laudis, experientia teste probantes, quoniam apud te est fons vitae, et in lumine tuo videbimus lumen. Amen
O INDESCRIBABLE beauty of God most high and purest radiance of light eternal, Thou art life that gives life to all life, light that illuminates all light and preserves in perpetual splendor the myriad lights shining from the very dawn of time before Thy throne of divinity!
O ETERNAL and inaccessible font, o clear and sweet spring flowing forth hidden from all mortal eyes, whose breadth and depth are unfathomable, Thy purity cannot be tainted.
FROM Thou procedeth the river that gladdens the city of God so that with a voice of exultation we proclaim Thy greatness and sing to Thee hymns of praise. For our experience shows that with Thee is the source of life and in Thy light we see light itself. Amen.
O Father of Mercies
From the Raccolta #65. (S. C. Ind. April 21, 1818; S. P. Ap., March 23, 1936).
An Indulgence of 3 years.
O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thou didst reveal to the blessed Margaret Mary Thy desire to rule over Christian families; behold, in order to please Thee, we stand before Thee this day to proclaim Thy full sovereignty over our family. We desire henceforth to live Thy life, we desire that the virtues to which Thou hast promised peace on earth may flower in the bosom or our family; we desire to keep far from us the spirit of the world, which Thou hast condemned. Thou art King of our minds by the simplicity of our faith; Thou art King of our hearts by our love of Thee alone, with which our hearts are on fire and whose flame we shall keep alive by frequently receiving the Holy Eucharist. Be pleased, O Sacred Heart, to preside over our gathering together, to bless our spiritual and temporal affairs, to ward off all annoyance from us, and to hallow our joys and comfort our sorrows. If any of us has ever been so unhappy as to fall into the misery of displeasing Thee, grant that he may remember, O Heart of Jesus, that Thou art full of goodness and mercy toward the repentant sinner. And when the hour of separation strikes and death enters our family circle, whether we go or whether we stay, we shall all bow humbly before Thine eternal decrees. This shall be our consolation; to remember that the day will come when our entire family, once more united in heaven, shall be able to sing of Thy glory and Thy goodness forever. May the immaculate Heart of Mary and the glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph vouchsafe to offer Thee this our act of consecration and to keep the memory thereof alive in us all the days of our lives. Glory to the Heart of Jesus, our King and our Father! Amen.
From the Raccolta #705.
An indulgence of 7 years. A plenary indulgence on the usual conditions, if they fulfill the usual conditions.
Act of Reparation
Most sweet Jesus, whose overflowing charity for men is requited by so much forgetfulness, negligence and contempt, behold us prostrate before Thee, eager to repair by a special act of homage the cruel indifference and injuries to which Thy loving Heart is everywhere subject.
Mindful, alas! that we ourselves have had a share in such great indignities, which we now deplore from the depths of our hearts, we humbly ask Thy pardon and declare our readiness to atone by voluntary expiation, not only for our own personal offenses, but also for the sins of those, who, straying far from the path of salvation, refuse in their obstinate infidelity to follow Thee, their Shepherd and Leader, or, renouncing the promises of their baptism, have cast off the sweet yoke of Thy law.
We are now resolved to expiate each and every deplorable outrage committed against Thee; we are now determined to make amends for the manifold offenses against Christian modesty in unbecoming dress and behavior, for all the foul seductions laid to ensnare the feet of the innocent, for the frequent violations of Sundays and holy days, and the shocking blasphemies uttered against Thee and Thy Saints. We wish also to make amends for the insults to which Thy Vicar on earth and Thy priests are subjected, for the profanation, by conscious neglect or terrible acts of sacrilege, of the very crimes of nations who resist the rights and teaching authority of the Church which Thou hast founded.
Would that we were able to wash away such abominations with our blood. We now offer, in reparation for these violations of Thy divine honor, the satisfaction Thou once made to Thy Eternal Father on the cross and which Thou continuest to renew daily on our altars; we offer it in union with the acts of atonement of Thy Virgin Mother and all the Saints and of the pious faithful on earth; and we sincerely promise to make recompense, as far as we can with the help of Thy grace, for all neglect of Thy great love and for the sins we and others have committed in the past. Henceforth, we will live a life of unswerving faith, of purity of conduct, of perfect observance of the precepts of the Gospel and especially that of charity. We promise to the best of our power to prevent others from offending Thee and to bring as many as possible to follow Thee.
O loving Jesus, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mother, our model in reparation, deign to receive the voluntary offering we make of this act of expiation; and by the crowning gift of perseverance keep us faithful unto death in our duty and the allegiance we owe to Thee, so that we may all one day come to that happy home, where with the Father and the Holy Spirit Thou livest and reignest, God, forever and ever. Amen.
From the Raccolta, #256 (S. P. Ap., June 1, 1928 and March 18, 1932)
A partial indulgence is granted to those who recite this prayer. A plenary indulgence is granted if it is publicly recited on the feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. This prayer was prescribed to be recited on this feast by Pope Pius XI .