the sacraments

The Sacraments are
the heart of the Church
Baptisms should not be delayed. Please make arrangements upon the birth of the child by filling out the Baptismal Registration Form and returning it to Father or the parish office. Please call the rectory for assistance.
Confessions are held 45 minutes before Mass and ending 10 minutes prior according to our confession schedule. Confessions are available in English, French and Spanish. Booklets to help assist with Confession are available in the vestibule.
holy communion
It is necessary to receive religious instruction before receiving Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament. All those seeking to receive Holy Communion should attend catechism classes or meet with the priest of our parish.
holy matrimony
holy orders
Holy Orders is the sacrament instituted by Christ through which men receive the power and grace to perform the sacred duties of bishops, priests, and other ministers of the Church. Those discerning religious vocations or considering the sacred priesthood should contact the priest of our parish. We pray that many will serve Our Lord in His vineyard, for the salvation of souls and under the mantle of Our Lady.
extreme unction / sick calls
Please arrange for a priest to bring the Sacraments to the sick (Confession, Holy Communion, Extreme Unction) by calling the rectory. Please inform us of any Sacred Heart parishioners being hospitalized. If any one is in danger of death, please call immediately regardless of the time at 978-686-7921.