Laudare, Benedicere, Praedicare
From the beginning of the Order of Preachers, men from every walk of life, weary of the world and seeking an abode where they could serve God with greater peace and happiness, have sought refuge under St. Dominic’s standard as a Lay Brother.
Being a Dominican Lay Brother is a way of living out your vocation. Like our holy Brother Oderic, chosen by Saint Dominic himself to be the first Lay Brother in a long line of holy religious to serve God, we aid the priest in the vocation of saving souls. St. Dominic recognized that men vary in talents, gifts, and vocation but all are called to the love and service of the one True God with purity of heart and unselfish love.
The foundation of the Dominican Brother’s spiritual life is daily prayer, meditation, the most holy rosary, and to assist at the holy sacrifice of the Mass.
The life of a Lay Brother is largely devoted to manual labor of all kinds and talents; performing all the offices necessary for the upkeep of a well-regulated household and church; to attend to the aged, sick, and infirm; to complete various activities suited to skill and training; and to assist the priests and labor for the same end, salvation of souls.
The Lay Brother shares in the life of community, observation of the rule, and enjoys in the merits, good works, and suffrages of the Dominican Order.

dominican brothers
If you are interested in becoming a Dominican Lay Brother, please contact Br. Gerard at [email protected].