dominican saints
Alphabetical List of Saints

Anniversary of Deceased Friends & Benefactors of the Order
Anniversary of the Deceased Brothers and Sisters of the Order
Anniversary of the Parents of the Brothers and Sisters of the Order
Anniversary of Those Buried in Our Cemeteries
Bartolo Longo, T.O.P.
Blessed Virgin Mary Mediatrix of All Graces
Bl. Adrian of Dalmatia, M.O.P.
Bl. Aimo Taparelli, C.O.P.
Bl. Alanus de Rupe, C.O.P.
Bl. Albert of Bergamo, C.O.P.
Bl. Alexander Baldrati of Lugo, M.O.P.
Bl. Alphonsus Navarette & Companions, M.M.O.P.
Bl. Alvarez of Cordova, C.O.P.
Bl. Amata of San Sisto, V.O.P.
Bl. Ambrose Sansedonius, C.O.P.
Bl. Andrew Abellon, C.O.P.
Bl. Andrew Franchi, B.C.O.P.
Bl. Andrew of Peschiera, C.O.P.
Bl. Angelus Portasde, Bp O.P.
Bl. Anthony Neyrot, M.O.P.
Bl. Anthony Pavonius, M.O.P.
Bl. Antonia of Brescia, C.O.P.
Bl. Antony Della Chiesa, C.O.P.
Bl. Antony Fuster, C.O.P.
Bl. Augustine Fangi of Biella, C.O.P.
Bl. Augustine Kažotić of Lucera, B.C.O.P.
Bl. Bartholomew Cerveri, M.O.P.
Bl. Bartholomew de Braganza, B.C.O.P.
Bl. Benedict de Ponte, C.O.P.
Bl. Benedict XI, P.C.O.P.
Bl. Benvenuta Bojani, V.O.P.
Bl. Bernard Due & Dominic Dien, M.M.O.P.
Bl. Bernard of Toulouse, M.O.P
Bl. Bernard Scammacca, C.O.P.
Bl. Bertrand of Garrique, C.O.P.
Bl. Blaise of Avergne, C.O.P.
Bl. Bonaventure Tolomei, C.O.P.
Bl. Caecilia of Ferrara, V.O.P.
Bl. Calimerius of Montechiaro, C.O.P.
Bl. Catherine of Racconigi, V.O.P.
Bl. Ceslaus, C.O.P.
Bl. Christian of Perugia, C.O.P.
Bl. Christopher of Milan, C.O.P.
Bl. Clara Gambacorta, W.O.P.
Bl. Columba of Rieti, V.O.P.
Bl. Columbus of Toulouse, C.O.P.
Bl. Conrad of Friscan, C.O.P.
Bl. Conradin of Brescia, C.O.P.
Bl. Constantius of Fabriano, C.O.P.
Bl. Dalmatius Moner, C.O.P.
Bl. Damian of Finario, C.O.P.
Bl. Diana, Bl. Cecelia & Bl. Amata, V.V.O.P.
Bl. Dominic Doan, M.O.P.
Bl. Dominic Henares & Francis Chien, M.O.P.
Bl. Dominic Spadafora, C.O.P.
Bl. Emily Bicchieri, V.O.P.
Bl. Fra Angelico, C.O.P. (1455)
Bl. Francis Gill, M.O.P. (1744)
Bl. Francis of Capillas, M.O.P.
Bl. Francis Posadas, C.O.P.
Bl. Francis Serrano and Bl. Francias Diaz, M.M.O.P.
Bl. Giles of Portugal, C.O.P.
Bl. Gonsalvo (Gundisalvas), C.O.P.
Bl. Gregory & Bl. Dominic, C.C.O.P.
Bl. Guala, B.C.O.P.
Bl. Guy Maramaldi, C.O.P. (1391)
Bl. Henry of Cologne, C.O.P. (1225)
Bl. Henry Suso, C.O.P.
Bl. Hosanna of Catharo, V.O.P.
Bl. Hosanna of Mantua, V.O.P.
Bl. Humbert of Romans, C.O.P. (1277)
Bl. Hyancinth Castaneda and Companions, M.M.O.P. (1733)
Bl. Ignatius Delgado, Bl. Dominic Henares & Companions, MM.
Bl. Imelda Lambertini, V.O.P.
Bl. Innocent V, P.C.O.P.
Bl. Isnard, C.O.P.
Bl. James Benefatti, B.C.O.P.
Bl. James Griesinger of Ulm, C.O.P.
Bl. James of Mevania, C.O.P.
Bl. James of Voragine (Varazze), B.C.O.P.
Bl. James Salomonio (Salomone), C.O.P.
Bl. Jane (Joan) of Orvieto, V.O.P.
Bl. Jane (Joan) of Portugal, V.O.P.
Bl. Jane of Aza, Mother of St. Dominic
Bl. Jerome, Valentine, Francis, Hyacinth & Companions (Martyrs of Tonkin), M.M.O.P.
Bl. Joachim Royo, M. O.P.
Bl. John Armero, C.O.P.
Bl. John Dominici, B.C.O.P.
Bl. John Liccio, C.O.P.
Bl. John of Massias, C.O.P.
Bl. John of Salerno, C.O.P.
Bl. John of Vercelli, C.O.P.
Bl. Jordan of Pisa, C.O.P.
Bl. Jordan of Saxony, C.O.P.
Bl. Joseph Canh, M. Tert. O.P.
Bl. Joseph Dô Quang Hiên, M.O.P. & Bl. Thomas Toán, M.T.O.P.
Bl. Joseph Fernandez, M.O.P.
Bl. Joseph Khang, M. Tert., O.P.
Bl. Jose Sanjurjo & Melchoir Sampedro & Companions, M.M.O.P.
Bl. Joseph Peter Vyen, M.O.P.
Bl. Lawrence of Ripafratta, C.O.P.
Bl. Louis Bertran & Companions, MM.O.P.
Bl. Louis Flores, M.O.P. & Companions, M.
Bl. Lucy Brocolelli of Narni, V.O.P.
Bl. Magdalen dei Panattieri, V.O.P.
Bl. Mannes de Guzman, C.O.P.
Bl. Marcolinus (Marcolino), C.O.P.
Bl. Margaret of Castello, V.O.P.
Bl. Margaret of Savoy, Widow, O.P.
Bl. Mark of Modena, C.O.P.
Bl. Martin de Porres, C.O.P.
Bl. Mary Bartholomew, V.O.P.
Bl. Mary Mancini, W.O.P.
Bl. Matthew Alonso Leziniana, M.O.P.
Bl. Matthew Carreri, C.O.P.
Bl. Nicholas Palea, C.O.P.
Bl. Paganus of Lecco, M.O.P.
Bl. Peter Cambiano of Ruffia, M.O.P.
Bl. Peter Cerdan, C.O.P.
Bl. Peter de la Cadireta, M.O.P.
Bl. Peter Geremia, C.O.P.
Bl. Peter Gonzalez, C.O.P.
Bl. Peter of Tiferno, C.O.P.
Bl. Peter Sanz, B., & Companions, M.M.O.P.
Bl. Raymond of Capua, C.O.P.
Bl. Reginald of Orleans, C.O.P.
Bl. Sadoc & Companions, M.M.O.P.
Bl. Sebastian Maggi, C.O.P.
Bl. Sebastian Montanol, M.O.P.
Bl. Sibyllina Biscossis, V.O.P.
Bl. Simon Ballachi, C.O.P.
Bl. Stephana of Quinzanis, V.O.P.
Bl. Stephen Bandelli, C.O.P.
Bl. Thomas De and Companions M.M. Tert. O.P.
Bl. Thomas Zumarraga & Companions, M.M. O.P.
Bl. Villana de Botti, Matron, O.P.
Bl. Vincent Yen, M.O.P.
Bl. William Arnaud, C.O.P. & Companions, M.M.
Bl. Zedislava, Matron, O.P.
Commemoration of Our Patriarch in Soriano
Commemoration of the Saints whose relics are kept in Dominican Churches
Feast of All Saints of the Dominican Order
Feast of the English Martyrs (In England)
Feast of the Most Holy Crown of Thorns
Feast of the Translation of our Holy Father St. Dominic
First Sunday in October – Rosary Sunday
Octave Day for St. Catherine (For Third Order)
Patronage of St. Thomas Aquinas over Catholic Schools
Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Agnes of Montepulciano, V.O.P.
St. Albert the Great, B.C.D.O.P.
St. Antoninus, B.C.O.P.
St. Catherine of Alexandria, V. M., Protectress of the Order
St. Catherine of Ricci, V.O.P.
St. Catherine of Siena, V.O.P.
St. Dominic, C.O.P.
St. Hyacinth, C.O.P.
St. John of Cologne & Companions, MM.O.P.
St. Louis Bertrand, C.O.P.
St. Louis Mary Grignon De Montfort, C.O.P.
St. Margaret of Hungary, V.O.P.
St. Mary Magdalen, Protectress of the Order
St. Peter of Verona, M.O.P.
St. Pope Pius V, P.C.O.P.
St. Raymund of Penafort, C.O.P.
St. Rose of Lima, V.O.P.
St. Servatius, Protector of the Dominican Order
St. Thomas of Aquinas, C.D.O.P.
St. Vincent Ferrer, C.O.P.
Stigmata of St. Catherine of Siena, V.O.P.
Translation of the Relics of St. Catherine of Siena (Thursday after Sexagesima Sunday)
Ven. Catherine Paluzzi, V.O.P.
Ven. Robert Nutter, M.O.P.